Peter Siegel

Professor Emeritus

Physics Department
California State Polytechnic University
Pomona, CA 91768, USA

My Classroom Materials for the HochSchule Landshut:

Physics Übungen:
Classroom Materials: Aufgaben, Formeln Blatt.

Numerical Methods Übungen:
Classroom Materials: Problems, Sample Computer Programs .

Graphing Programs:
linefit, curvefit

Gamma Spectroscopy

Gnuplot Programs

Classroom Materials and Activities:

Lower Division Classes Upper Division Classes Elementary School Courses

Cal Poly links: e-mail server, class schedule, Library Database, room search, bronco direct.

Classroom Projects

Personal Info

Surveys and Templates: SurveySeagull

Web links

Particle Data Group
Table of isotopes (Brookhaven Nat Lab NuDat3)
NIST Atomic Data
Mass Attenuation Coefficients Table for elements
Mass Attenuation Coefficients Table for other materials
PC Interface Information
Physics Dept | College of Science | Cal Poly