Grade 4 Content Standard Worksheets
Electricity and Magnetism

The following science experiments were written by Harvey Leff, Alan Felzer and Peter Siegel for 4th grade classes. The corresponding California Content Standard number is listed with the experiment. All files are in pdf format.

We recommend doing the experiments in the order in which they are listed. First the students learn about charge and the electrostatic force. This is followed by activities dealing with the flow of charge in different types of circuits. Then come experiments with permanent magnets, which are followed by experiments dealing with the connection between electricity and magnetism: electromagnets and electric motors. The last experiments cover energy transformations in common household appliances and home energy use.

electrostatics experiments, meets the 4th grade 1e California Content Standard.
electric circuits I experiments, meets the 4th grade 1a California Content Standard.
electric circuits II experiments, meets the 4th grade 1a California Content Standard.
magnets experiments, meets the 4th grade 1b and 1f California Content Standard.
electrodynamics experiments, meets the 4th grade 1c and 1d California Content Standard.
Home Appliances experiments, meets the 4th grade 1g California Content Standard.
electric meters experiments, meets the 4th grade 1g California Content Standard.

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Physics Department| College of Science