Measurement Experiments

Science 210




1.  Height measurement:


a)      Measure your lab partner’s height in inches to the nearest 1/16th of an inch.  Express your answer as a decimal:


    Height = _________________________________________


b)      Repeat a), but now measure your partner’s height in centimeters, to the nearest millimeter.  Write your answer on the board in front of the class.


Height = ________________________________________


c)      Divide the value for part b) by the value for part a).  Write your answer on the board in front of the class.


    Ratio = __________________________________________


d)      From the values listed on the board, find the average height of the students in the laboratory class.



       Average height = _______________________________________


2.   Area measurement:


a)      Find the area of the floor in our laboratory room in units of ft2.  (Hint: each tile is 9 inches by 9 inches).  Write your answer on the board.


      Area of room = _________________________________


b)      Find the area of the lab room floor in units of M2.




      Area of room = ___________________________________


c)       If the cost of carpet is $35 per square yard, how much will it cost to carpet the lab room?



      Cost = _____________________________________________


3.   Speed measurement


a)      In the hallway, measure the walking speed of your partner in units of ft/sec.  (Hint: the tiles are one foot by one foot).  Write your answer on the board in front of the class.



       Speed = ___________________________________________


b)      What is your partners walking speed in units of miles/hr?




       Speed = ___________________________________________


c)      How many days will it take her or him to walk to San Francisco?




      Time = ______________________________________________


4.  Mass measurement


In class there is a bag of M&M’s.  Your goal is to estimate how many M&M’s are in the bag.  You will be given a balance, a bag and some M&M’s to assist you.  The group that gets the closest gets to keep the M&M’s.


Show your work here:







5.  Volume measurement:


a)      Measure the volume of the laboratory room in units of ft3.  Write your answer on the board in front of the class.






         Volume = ________________________________________



b)      Find the volume of the laboratory room in units of gallons, and in units of liters.





         Volume = ____________________gallons = ________________________liters


c)      What is the mass of the air in the laboratory room in units of Kg?  (Hint: the density of air is 1.29 grams per liter)






         Mass = _________________________________


d)      How many air molecules are in the laboratory room?






           Number of molecules = _____________________________


e)      How many pounds does the air in the room weigh?






           Weight of air = _______________________________________









Some Conversion Factors:

Distance to San Francisco = 450 miles

3 feet = 1 yard                    1 meter = 3.281 ft                        1 mile= 5280 ft

1 ft3 = 28.32 liters               1 gallon = 3.8 liters                  1000 grams = 1 Kg

22.4 liters of air at standard temperature and pressure contains 6.02 x 1023 molecules

a mass of 1 Kg weighs 2.2 pounds on earth