Crisp Bread

Pre-Mix Ingredients:
Mass (grams) Volume (ml)
Wheat or Dinkle Flour 50 60 (ground flour 100)
Oatmeal 50 100-110
Rye Flakes 50 100-110
Salt Table-Tea Spoon
Spice (optional) Table-Tea Spoon
Water 260 260

Mix the ingredients above by hand in a mixing bowl, and let sit for one hour.

Mass (grams) Volume (ml)
Sunflower Seeds 40 60
Lein Seeds 25 30
Pumpkin Seeds 35 60

1. Mix the seeds into the pre-mix, stir well. Spread the mixture out on baking paper (38cm by 42 cm) on a standard baking pan. Spread the dough out as thin as possible to within 1 or 2 cm of the paper's edge.
2. Heat the oven to 160 C. Once at this temperature, place the dough into the oven. **After 12 minutes take the pan out and cut the dough into 12 small sections**. Return the pan into the oven and continue baking for a total baking time of 1 hour.
3. After the baking is done, take the crisp bread out of the oven and let it cool for half an hour before separating the 12 pieces.